Wednesday, December 22, 2010

The post below is of a squirrel ornament that I sewed on Sunday to give to my friends for Christmas. It was recently discovered that we shared the common experience of caring for baby, the theme was appropriate. See Peanut, below:

Tuesday, December 7, 2010


While I had the camera out I did a portrait of my kitty. She was waiting to make an appearance...So statuesque...


That's what they're calling it.

Snow day #3 is coming up tomorrow. The city is sort of shut down. I've been cooped up all day except for a 5 minute walk around the block during which I snapped some photographic documentation.

And here is one of my poor, neglected bike...

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Kitchen window curtains

I made curtains for my kitchen windows today. I just hate it when the sunshine thinks it can waltz on into my apartment whenever it pleases. Sometimes I'm in a dreary mood and need curtains to block it out. I have clothespins attached at the top to keep the curtains cinched in from the edges of the rods, so that more of the white window framing will show.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Fried Chicken

Hey! I helped my mom with making fried chicken this weekend. It was indescribably delicious. It takes about 24 hours because you have to let the chicken marinate in buttermilk, and it takes a lot of shortening which can be pricey, but the results are out of this world. Here's a picture. Photography by Martin Kerr.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

The little craft I made last night

I sewed this cover for my heating pad last night out of flannelette and free-handed the cute appliques. Stitched them on with a narrow zig zag. Also: this was my first time free-handing buttonholes. Maybe the cat looks a bit cross-eyed because of the plaid print on her eyes?